Exploring Predictors

Accessing the NatML Hub Catalog

NatML provides predictors as the fundamental unit of discovering, sharing, and using machine learning. The API exposes public predictors listed on the NatML Hub catalog:

Exploring the Catalog

query {
    # View available predictors on Hub.
    predictors (input: PredictorsInput!): [Predictor!]!

Users explore the Hub catalog with this query. The query requires an input argument:

input PredictorsInput {
    # Fetch only predictors owned by me.
    mine: Boolean
    # Predictor status
    status: PredictorStatus
    # Search query.
    query: String
    # Pagination offset.
    offset: Int
    # Pagination count.
    count: Int

When mine is true, you must be authenticated.

The status can be used to filter for only predictors that are published versus those with other statuses.

Inspecting a Predictor

query {
    # View a predictor on Hub.
    predictor (input: PredictorInput!): Predictor

Users can view a specific Predictor with this query. The query requires an input argument:

input PredictorInput {
    # Predictor tag.
    tag: String!

To view a PRIVATE predictor that you own, you must be authenticated.

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